Back pain has now become a commonality as the majority of the UK population suffers from this problem. It’s been reported that 80% of the population will suffer from back pain once in their lives and has a re-occurrence rate of 45%. This will usually result in a visit to the GP which you are prescribed pain medication, plus a printout of general exercises to perform with little benefit. This whole process becomes a vicious cycle with you feeling that you are not able to do the things that you once used to and that you are slowly losing control.


There are many ways to reduce these symptoms efficiently and effectively. Here are a few to get you started.

First tip – keep moving

Inactivity will cause your body to stiffen which in turn will become more painful when you decide to move. Therefore, it is best practice to move every 20 mins which could involve, a gentle walk no longer than 10 minutes, sitting to standing or rocking your hips backwards and forwards while sitting.

Second Tip – seek advice from a physiotherapist immediately.

Physiotherapists are compassionate and able to give great advice to your pain and symptoms. They are specialised practitioners equipped with using manual techniques which encourages quick recovery and are experts at providing specific exercises that are tailored to your needs.

Third Tip say a loud ‘I will feel resilient, revitalised and relieved’.

It is known that having positive thoughts can reduce stress and can improve your overall health. At R3 Physiotherapy we make that our priority!

R3 Physiotherapists have seen thousands of clients across the country gaining results that immediately change perception and the reality of their pain, leaving every client feeling

Resilient, Revitalised, and Relieved.

  • Ryan Johnson
  • 12:12 am

Services We Provide

  • Physiotherapy Services
  • Back and Neck problems
  • Posture Analysis and Adjustments
  • Sports Massage
  • Acupuncture/ Acupressure
  • Muscle/Joint taping
  • Tailored Exercise Programme
  • Muscle Imbalances
  • Spinal Manipulation
  • Work Station Ergonomics
  • Education and Advice
  • Laser therapy